Homer: [mumbling] Moe... Moe... Moe... Marge: Bart, Are You Going To Mow The Lawn Today?

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Homer: [mumbling] Moe... Moe... Moe...
Marge: Bart, are you going to mow the lawn today?
Bart: Okay, but you promised me mo' money.
Marge: I mo, I mo.
Homer: [mumbling] Moe... Moe... Moe...
Lisa: When Bart's done, can we mo to the moe-vies? There's a
Marge: Of course! All work and mo play makes Moe a moe moe.
Bart: Moe moe moe moe moe?
Marge: Moe moe moe.
Lisa: Moe moe-moe-moe-moe moe.
Bart: Moe-moe-moe moe.
Maggie: [removes her pacifier] Moe.
-- Moe Better Blues (or... Persistence of Moe-mory),
"Flaming Moe's"
