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Eliminate Government Waste No Matter How Much It Costs.
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Words of Wisdom
Eliminate government waste no matter how much it costs.
Eliminate government waste no matter how much it costs.
Any large extension of the Government into business affairs - no matter what the pretense and no matter how the the extension is labeled - will be bound to promote waste and put a curb on our prosperity and progress.
-- Thomas Alva Ediso...
No matter how much it costs to go to the State University
it will cost just about five times that much to go to the State Penitentiary, so it is much cheaper to go to the State University and far more interesting and rewarding....
In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.
If we applied government standards for determining the amount of salt in food to the question of how much matter there is in the universe, we would conclude that the universe is matter-free.
-- Kolak & Martin, Wisdom without Answe...
You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap. -- Dolly Parto
Paulg's Law: In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.
In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save. -- Paul's Law
Paul's Law: In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.