A Real Groaner


There once was a little frog who wanted to take out a home
improvement loan to fix up his pad. His name is Kermit Jagger.
He hopped over to his local
bank, went up to the teller and said, "Hi, I'd like to take out a
loan to fix up my pad."
The teller replied, "You need to see our loan officer. Her
name is "Patricia Black."
So the frog hops over to the loan officer's desk and sits
down. When Patricia arrives she ask, "What can I do for you?"

The frog says, "I'd like to take out a loan to fix up my pad."

Patricia asked, "What do you have for collateral?"
After thinking for a couple of moments about what he could
offer the frog reaches into his little froggy pocket and pulls out
a small white elephant.
"This is a very unusual form of collateral." said Patricia.
"I'll have to check with our bank president to see if it's ok."
Patricia goes to the president and says, "There's a frog named Kermit Jagger
out there who want's a home loan and this white elephant is all
he is offering for collateral. What should I do?"
The bank president takes the small white elephant and after
carefully examining it hands it back to Patricia and says,
"It's a nick-knack Patty Black give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."

More Frogs

  1. [page] A Psychic S Tale
  2. [page] A Real Groaner
  3. [page] Bad Excuse
  4. [page] Bar Tricks
  5. [page] Car
  6. [page] Chemistry Frog Joke
  7. [page] Croack
  8. [page] Doctors Office
  9. [page] Felix The Flying Frog
  10. [page] Frog One Liners
  11. [page] Frog Prince
  12. [page] Frog Princess
  13. [page] Frog Science
  14. [page] Green Thing
  15. [page] Library Antics
  16. [page] Robinson Crusoe
  17. [page] Smart Frog
  18. [page] The Frog And The Princess
  19. [page] The Trouble With Frogs
  20. [page] Time
  21. [page] Top Ten Reasons To Be A Frog
  22. [page] Top Ten Signs YOU Are A Frog
  23. [page] Traffic Light
  24. [page] Wide Mouthed Frog