American In Mexico


There was this American tourist in Mexico, and he was getting tired
of walking around, so he went up to a donkey rental place and said,
''Can I rent a donkey?'
The guy said, "We don't call them donkeys here, we call them asses.
This is the only ass I have left, and you have to scratch him when you
want to make him stop."
The guy rides his ass for a while, sees a hotdog stand, and asks for a
hotdog. The vendor replies, "We don't call them hotdogs here we call
the wieners."
Meanwhile his donkey is wandering away, so he goes up to another
tourist and says "Will you hold my wiener whille I scratch my ass?"

More Mexican

  1. [page] American In Mexico
  2. [page] Bungee Jumping In Mexico
  3. [page] Death By Mexican
  4. [page] Mexican Funeral
  5. [page] Mexican Green Pink And Yellow
  6. [page] Mexican Restaurant Specialty
  7. [page] Mexican Smuggler
  8. [page] Mexican Or Mexicant
  9. [page] SinoMexican Relations
  10. [page] The Mexican Firefighter
  11. [page] What Did The Mexican Say When The House Fell