Sia Abadani Ph.D:
Great Page you have.
The way some American Citizens getting treated
It means a lot if you would please;
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It's about our freedom. In memory of September 11th. Visit and sign their guest book and give them some support and if you have a page let others see it as they enter their site.
Women United Against Hate
Click here: Women United Against Hate
(10 Dec 2001)
Firouzeh: cool pictures, nice homepage, keep on doing it and have fun
(09 Dec 2001)
Yououghttoknowbynow: Hey goozoo, I have to say your site is really good. Thank you for telling me about it. I have one suggestion about the bald guys pictures. Amir's brother is also bald, isn't he? So in the balds 3 picture put you three guys and in balds 4 find another guy and beat him up and shave his head. Then you will have balds 4. Just a thought. Your friend, Natalie
(09 Dec 2001)
NATALIE MICHAELIS: I appreciate the humor that is evident in your site.
(09 Dec 2001)
michael: Amazing! Keep up the good work...(08 Dec 2001)
Ali Habibi: Hi Mate. I hade some free time and I ended in your page. I loved your site, I have sent the address to my friends. Wish you good luck:)
(18 Nov 2001)
Jenny: hey =) you changed the first page! at least...i think u did...did you use to have that black and white cat in there? ^_^'s so cute (of course, the other yellow and white one is really cute too)! =] ttyl!
(14 Nov 2001)
saman: hi. how r u doing . bye now take care bybe
(13 Nov 2001)
saman: hi .khobid shoma .e hamin faghat . i"ll be wait for you message. how is tehran. bye now
(13 Nov 2001)
Kathy Hadizadeh: Wow!!
U have lots of freinds... That sounds cool but is that really the case?
I liked ur photos kind of cool and down 2 earth!
Have fun in Up North
(09 Nov 2001)
Angie: Well well..Hello there :o) I think your website is great!! I expecially love all the pictures!! And yes like all the ladies are saying,you're a nice looking man :o) Please keep up the great work and keep us updated with new pictures :o)
(18 Oct 2001)