(03 Aug 2001)
Maria Leila Solis Paniza: Good evening, thank you very much for sharing this page of yours. Am dallying my time, and presto, this is my lucky night. With your permission, may i sue this as a sample web page to my students, as they have to make a web page of their own for their research.
Thank you very much.
respectfully yours, lsp
(27 Jul 2001)
Jose Vieira: I am help Nancy from El cerrito to rent her room out and since she doesn't have a computer I am the one comunicating with people. I like you and I would like to be your friend. I live in Berkeley and I am from Brasil. I just finished my Marketing and International Business Certificate Program at UC B ext. and I will be here in the US working for while. I hope I can meet you some day. I'll be in Montreal until August 6th, so we can get together when I come back. My hohme phone # is (510)845-5468
(26 Jul 2001)
Arsalan: it is pleasure to be your friends
(26 Jul 2001)
anahita: I usually don't sign guestbooks, but this one was cool : Hi UCLA guy! you're visitin too much of my web site! please write me who you are here in the guestbook!!
so I decided to write...
nice pictures..you know I love to look at pics in webpages, so I went through half your pictures when I got this message!
keep up the good work.
(29 Jun 2001)
Jamie Aronson: I loved all of the real world and I think the hottest guys are Dan and JASON especially. I htink everyone was pretty and I hope someday I'll get to go on th Real World or Road Rules
(27 Jun 2001)
jose luis suarez diaz: nice page. i visited iran two times and love your country. it takes me very good memories from my summers in iran. thank you
(26 Jun 2001)
jose luis suarez diaz: nice page. i visited iran two times and love your country. it takes me very good memories from my summers in iran. thank you
(26 Jun 2001)
pissy fanny: Amazing! Keep up the good work...(26 Jun 2001)
christina: i have just spoke to u for the second time and i think u am really good looking and i am impressed with everything u do i hope i will talk to you more often
(05 Jun 2001)
Mariam Vahida: zende bad ahmade anvari :)
(23 Apr 2001)
paniz: nesfe moond, mikhaastam begam ke:
avvallan: faregholtahsilit mobarak! che akshaaye jaalebi bood.
dige inke, chera ziaad az doostaat o khaanevaade aks nazaashti? hamash akshaaye khodeto gozaashti? ghablan be nazaram jaalebtar bood.
agar aks daari, yek kam aks\'e daste jami az bachehaa baraam beferest.
(23 Apr 2001)
winwin de arroz: you have a great webpage my friend! goodluck to your career! with your wisdom and talent...you\'ll go far! =) catch you later!
(16 Apr 2001)