Kings 06 Marchintomazinderan

HomeIranPoetryFerdowsi Epic of Kings - Zimmern

The Epic of Kings
By Ferdowsi
Written 1010 A.C.E.
Translated by Helen Zimmern

The March into Mazinderan

Kai aous seated him on the crystal throne, and the world was obedient to
his will. But Ahriman was angry that his power was so long broken in Iran,
and he sware unto himself that happiness should no longer smile upon the
land. And he imagined guile in his black heart.
Now it came about one day that the Shah sat in his trellised bower
in the garden of roses, drinking wine and making merry with his court.
Then Ahriman, when he beheld that they were thus forgetful of care, saw
that the time served him. So he sent forth a Deev clad as a singer, and
bade him ask for audience before the Shah. And the Deev did as he was bidden.
And he came before the servants of the King, and begged for entrance into
the arbour of flowers.
"For verily," he said, "I am a singer of sweet songs, and I come
from Mazinderan, and desire to pour my homage at the throne of my
Now when Kai Kaous learned that a singer waited without, he commanded
that he should be brought in. Then he gave him wine and permitted him to
open his mouth before him. Now the Deev, when he had done homage before
the Shah, warbled unto his lyre words of deep cunning. And he sang how
that no land was like unto his own for beauty and riches, and he inflamed
the desires of the Shah after Mazinderan. And Ahriman fanned the flame
within the mind of the King, and when the Deev had ended, Kai Kaous was
become uplifted in his heart, like unto Jemshid. So he turned him unto
his warriors and said-
"O my friends, mighty and brave, we have abandoned ourselves unto
feasting, we have revelled in the arms of peace. But it behoveth not men
to live long in this wise, lest they grow idle and weak. And above all
it behoveth not me that am a Shah, for the Shah is called to be a hero
among men, and the world should be his footstool. Now verily the power
and splendour of Jemshid was lower than mine, and my wealth surpasseth
that of Zohak and Kai Kobad. It beseemeth me therefore to be greater also
than they in prowess, and to be master of Mazinderan, which ever resisted
their might. I bid you therefore make ready for combat, and I will lead
you into the land whereof this singer hath sung so sweetly."
Now the nobles, when they had heard these words, grew pale with
fear, for there was not one among them who listed to combat with Deevs.
But none durst open their lips in answer, yet their hearts were full of
fear and their mouths of sighs. But at last, when they could keep silence
no longer, some spake and said-
"Lord, we are thy servants, and that which thou biddest surely
we must do."
But among themselves they took counsel how they should act if the
Shah held firm by his desire. And they recalled how not even Jemshid in
his pride had thought to conquer the Deevs of Mazinderan, before whom the
sword hath no power and wisdom no avail, neither had Feridoun, learned
in magic, or Minuchihr the mighty, ventured on this emprise. Then they
bethought them of Zal the son of Saum, and they sent forth a wind-footed
dromedary and a messenger. And they said unto Zal-
"Haste, we pray thee, neither tarry to cleanse thine head though
it be covered with dust; for Ahriman hath strown evil seed in the heart
of Kai Kaous, and it ripeneth to fruit already, and already it hath borne
fruit, and Iran is threatened with danger. But we look to thee that thou
speak words of good counsel unto the Shah, and avert these sorrows from
our heads."
Now Zal was sore distressed when he learned that a leaf on the
tree of the Kaianides was thus faded. And he said-
"Kai Kaous is void of knowledge, and the sun must revolve yet oft
above his head before he learneth the wisdom of the great. For unto true
wisdom alone is it given to know when to strike and when to tarry. But
he is like unto a child who deemeth the world will tremble if it but upraiseth
its sword. And but for my duty unto God and unto Iran, I would abandon
him to his folly."
Then Zal revolved in his mind this trouble even until the sun was
set. But when the glory of the world was arisen yet again, he girt his
sash about his loins, and took in his hand the mace of might and set forth
unto the throne of the Shah. And he craved for audience, and prostrated
himself before the King. And when Kai Kaous permitted it, Zal opened his
mouth and spake words of wisdom. And he said-
"O King powerful and great, word is come unto me, even unto Seistan,
of thy device. But it seemeth unto me that mine ears have not heard aright.
For Mazinderan is the abode of Deevs, and no man can overcome their skill.
Give not, therefore, unto the wind thy men and thy treasures. Turn, I pray
thee, from this scheme, neither plant in the garden of Iran the tree of
folly, whose leaves are curses and whose fruits are evil, for thus did
not the kings before thee."
Then Kai Kaous, when he had listened, said, "I despise not thy
counsel, nor do I bid thee hold thy peace, for thou art a pillar unto Iran.
But neither shall thy words divert me from my desire, and Mazinderan shall
pay tribute to my hands. For thou considerest not how that my heart is
bolder and my might more great than that of my fathers before me. I go,
therefore, and the kingdom will I leave between thy hands and those of
Rustem thy son."
When Zal heard these words, and beheld that Kai Kaous was firm
in his purpose, he ceased from opposing. Then he bowed him unto the dust,
and spake, saying-
"O Shah, it is thine to command, and whether it be just or unjust,
thy servants serve thee even unto death. I have spoken the words that weighed
upon my heart. Three things it is not given to do, even unto a king: to
elude death, to bind up the eye of destiny, to live without nurture. Mayst
thou never repent thee of thy resolve, mayst thou never regret my counsels
in the hour of danger, may the might of the Shah shine for
And when he had ended, Zal went out of the presence of the King,
and he was right sorrowful, and the nobles mourned with him when they learned
how nought had been accomplished.
Then, ere the day succeeded unto the night, Kai Kaous set forth
with his horsemen unto Mazinderan.
Now when they were come within its borders, Kai Kaous commanded
Gew that he should choose forth a strong band from out their midst, and
go before the city with mighty clubs. And he bade him destroy the dwellers
of the town, neither should they spare the women nor the young, because
that they too were the children of Deevs. And Gew did as the Shah commanded.
Then clubs rained down upon the people like to hail, and the city that
resembled a garden was changed into a desert, and all the inmates thereof
perished at the hands of the enemy, neither did they find any mercy in
their eyes. But when the men of Iran had ceased from killing, they sent
news thereof unto the Shah, and told him of the riches that were hidden
within the palaces.
And Kai Kaous said, "Blessed be he who sang to me of the glories
of this realm."
And he marched after Gew with the rest of his host, and seven days
did they never cease from plundering, neither could they be sated with
the gold and jewels that they found. But on the eighth the tidings of their
deeds pierced unto the King of Mazinderan, and his heart was heavy with
care. He therefore sent a messenger unto the mountains where dwelt the
White Deev, who was powerful and strong, and he entreated him that he would
come unto his succour, or verily the land would perish under the feet of
The White Deev, when he heard the message, uprose like to a mountain
in his strength, and he said-
"Let not the King of Mazinderan be troubled, for surely the hosts
of Iran shall vanish at my approach."
Then, when the night was fallen, he spread a dark cloud, heavy
and thick, over the land, and no light could pierce it, neither could fires
be seen across its midst, and you would have said the world was steeped
in pitch. And the army of Iran was wrapt in a tent of blackness. Then the
Deev caused it to rain stones and javelins, and the Iranians could not
behold their source, neither could they defend themselves or stand against
the arts of magic. And they wandered astray in their distress, and no man
could find his fellow, and their hearts were angered against the Shah for
this emprise. But when the morning was come, and glory was arisen upon
the world, they could not see it, for the light of their eyes was gone
out. And Kai Kaous too was blinded, and he wept sore, and the whole army
wept with him in their anguish. And the Shah cried in his
"O Zal, O my Pehliva wise and great, wherefore did I shut mine
ear unto thy voice!"
And the army echoed his words in their hearts, but their lips were
silent for boundless sorrow.
Then the White Deev spake unto Kai Kaous with a voice of thunder,
and he said-
"O King, thou hast been struck like to a rotten trunk, on thine
own head alone resteth this destruction, for thou hast attained unto Mazinderan,
and entered the land after which thy heart desired."
And he bade his legion guard the Shah and all his army, and he
withheld from them wine and good cheer, and gave unto them but enough for
sustenance, for he desired not that they should die, but gloried in their
wretchedness. Then when he had so done he sent tidings thereof unto the
King of Mazinderan. And he bade the King take back the booty and rejoice
in the defeat of Iran. And he counselled him that he suffer not Kai Kaous
to perish, that he might learn to know good fortune from ill. And the White
Deev bade the King sing praises unto Ahriman the mighty, who had sent him
unto his aid. And having spoken thus he returned him unto his home in the
mountains, but the King of Mazinderan rejoiced in his
Now Kai Kaous remained in the land after which he had yearned,
and his heart was heavy with bitterness. And the eyes of his soul were
opened, and he cried continually, "This fault is mine;" and he cast about
in his spirit how he might release his host from the hands of the Deevs.
But the Deevs guarded him straitly, and he could send no messenger into
Iran. Howbeit it came about that a messenger escaped their borders, and
bore unto Zal the writing of Kai Kaous the afflicted. And Kai Kaous bowed
himself in his spirit unto the dust before Zal, and he wrote to him all
that was come about, and how that he and his host were blind and captive,
and he poured forth his repentance, and he said-
"I have sought what the foolish seek, and found what they find.
And if thou wilt not gird thy loins to succour me, I perish
When Zal heard this message he gnawed his hands in vexation. Then
he called before him Rustem, and said-
"The hour is come to saddle Rakush and to avenge the world with
thy sword. As for me, I number two hundred years, and have no longer the
strength to fight with Deevs. But thou art young and mighty. Cast about
thee, therefore, thy leopard-skin and deliver Iran from
And Rustem said, "My sword is ready, and I will go hence as thou
dost bid. Yet of old, O my father, the mighty did not go forth of their
own will to fight the powers of hell, neither doth one who is not weary
of this world go into the mouth of a hungry lion. But if God be with me
I shall overcome the Deevs and gird our army anew with the sashes of might.
And I pray that His blessing rest upon me."
Then Zal, when he heard these noble words, blessed his son, and
prayed that Ormuzd too would give him his blessing. And he bestowed on
him wise counsel, and told him how he could come unto the land of Mazinderan.
And he said-
"Two roads lead unto this kingdom, and both are hard and fraught
with danger. The one taken of Kai Kaous is the safest, but it is long,
and it behoveth vengeance to be fleet. Choose therefore, I charge thee,
the shorter road, though it be beset with baleful things, and may Ormuzd
return thee safe unto mine arms."
When Rustem had drunk in the counsels of his father he seated him
on Rakush the fleet of foot. But when he would have departed, his mother
came out before him, and she made great wailing that Rustem should go before
the evil Deevs. And she would have hindered him, but Rustem suffered her
not. He comforted her with his voice, and bade her be of good cheer. He
showed unto her how that he had not of his own choice chosen this adventure.
And he bade her rest her hopes in God. And when he had done speaking she
let him depart, but the heart of Rudabeh yearned after her son, and her
eyes were red with weeping many days.
In the meanwhile the young hero of the world sped forth to do his
duty unto the Shah. And Rakush caused the ground to vanish under his feet,
and in twelve hours was a two days' journey accomplished. Then when eve
was fallen, Rustem ensnared a wild ass, and made a fire and roasted it
for his meal. And when he had done he released Rakush from the bonds of
his saddle and prepared for himself a couch among the reeds, neither was
he afraid of wild beasts or of Deevs.
But in the reeds was hidden the lair of a fierce lion, and the
lion when he returned unto his haunt beheld the tall man and the horse
that watched beside him. And he rejoiced at the fat meal that he held was
in store. And he thought within his mind, "I will first subdue the steed,
then the rider will be an easy prey." And he fell upon Rakush. But Rakush
defended himself mightily. With his hoofs did he trample upon the forehead
of the lion, with his sharp teeth did he tear his skin, and he trampled
upon him till he died. But the noise of the struggle had wakened Rustem,
and when he beheld the body of the lion, and Rakush standing beside it,
he knew what had been done. Then he opened his mouth in reproof, and
"O thoughtless steed, who bade thee combat lions? Wherefore didst
thou not wake me? for if thou hadst been overcome, who, I pray thee, could
have borne my weight into Mazinderan, whither I must hie me to deliver
the Shah?
When he had thus spoken he turned again to sleep, but Rakush was
sorrowful and downcast in his spirit.
Now when morn was come they set forth once again upon their travels.
And all day long they passed through a desert, and the pitiless sun burned
down upon their heads, and the sand was living fire, and the steed and
rider were like to perish of thirst, and nowhere could Rustem find the
traces of water. So he made him ready to die, and commended his soul unto
God, and prayed Him to remember Kai Kaous, His servant, nor abandon him
in his distress. Then he laid him down to await the end. But lo! when he
thought it was come, there passed before him a ram, well nourished and
fat. And Rustem said unto himself-
"Surely the watering-place of this beast cannot be
Then he roused him and led Rakush and followed in the footsteps of
the ram, and behold, it led him unto a spring of water, cool and clear.
And Rustem drank thereof with greed, and he gave unto Rakush, and bathed
him in the waters, and when they were both refreshed he sought for the
traces of the ram. And they were nowhere to be found. Then Rustem knew
that Ormuzd had wrought a wonder for his sake, and he fell upon the ground
and lifted up his soul in thankfulness. Then when he had caught and eaten
a wild ass, he laid him down to slumber. And he spake and said unto
"I charge thee, O my steed, that thou seek no strife during my
slumbers. If an enemy cometh before thee, come unto me and neigh beside
mine ear, and verily I will waken and come to thine
And Rakush listened, and when he saw that Rustem slumbered, he
gambolled and grazed beside him. But when some watches of the night were
spent, there came forth an angry dragon whose home was in this spot, a
dragon fierce and fiery, whom even the Deevs dared not encounter. And when
he beheld Rakush and Rustem he was astonished that a man should slumber
softly beside his lair. And he came towards them with his breath of poison.
Then Rakush, when he saw it, stamped his hoofs upon the ground and beat
the air with his tail, so that the noise thereof resounded wide, and Rustem
was awakened with the din. And he was angry with Rakush that he had wakened
him, for the dragon had vanished, and he could see no cause for fear. And
he said-
"It is thy fault, O unkind steed, that slumber is fled from
Then he turned him to sleep once again. But when the dragon saw it
he came forth once more, and once more did Rakush wake Rustem, and once
more did the dragon vanish ere the eyes of Rustem were opened. And when
Rakush had thus awakened the hero yet three times, Rustem was beside him
with anger, and wisdom departed from its dwelling. He piled reproaches
upon the horse, and hurled bitter words upon his head, and he sware that
if he acted thus again he would slay him with his arm of power, and would
wander on foot unto Mazinderan. And he said-
"I bade thee call upon me if dangers menaced, but thou sufferest
me not to slumber when all is well."
Then Rustem drew his leopard-skin about him and laid him down again
to sleep. But Rakush was pained in his spirit, and pawed the ground in
his vexation. Then the dragon came forth yet again, and was about to fall
upon Rakush, and the steed was sore distressed how he should act. But he
took courage and came beside Rustem once more, and stamped upon the ground
and neighed and woke him. And Rustem sprang up in fury, but this time it
was given unto him to behold the dragon, and he knew that Rakush had done
that which was right. And he drew his armour about him and unsheathed his
sword, and came forth to meet the fiery beast. Then the dragon
"What is thy name, and who art thou that dost venture against me?
for verily the woman that bore thee shall weep."
And the Pehliva answered, "I am Rustem, of the seed of Zal, and
in myself I am an host, and none can withstand my might."
But the dragon laughed at his words, and held them to be vain boasting.
Then he fell upon Rustem, the son of Zal, and he wound himself about his
body, and would have crushed him with his writhings, and you would have
said that the end of this hero was come. But Rakush, when he beheld the
straits of his master, sprang upon the dragon from the rear, and he tore
him as he had torn the lion, and Rustem pierced the beast with his sword,
and between them the world was delivered of this scourge. Then Rustem was
glad, and he praised Rakush, and washed him at the fountain, and gave thanks
to God who had given unto him the victory. And when he had so done he sprang
into his saddle, and rode until they were come unto the land of the
Now when evening was fallen over the land they came unto a green
and shady vale, and a brook ran through it, and cool woods clothed its
sides. And beside a spring there was spread a table, and wine and all manner
of good cheer stood thereon. And Rustem, when he saw it, loosened his saddle
and bade Rakush graze and drink, and he seated him beside the table and
enjoyed its fare. And his spirit laughed with pleasure that he had found
a table ready dressed within the desert, for he knew not that it was the
table of the magicians, who were fled on his approach. And he ate and drank,
and when he had stilled his hunger he took up a lyre that lay beside him,
and he lilted to it in his ease of heart. And he sang-
"Rustem is the scourge of the base, Not for him were
pleasures meant; Rare are his feasts and holidays, His garden
is the desert place, The battlefield his tournament.
"There the sword of Rustem cleaves Not the armour of
jousting knights, But the skulls of dragons and Deevs; Nor
shall Rustem, as he believes, Ever be quit of the foes he
"Cups of wine and wreaths of rose, Gardens where cool
arbours stand, Fortune gave such gifts as those Not to Rustem,
but hurtling foes, Strife, and a warrior's heart and
Now the song of Rustem was come to the ears of one of the witches,
and she changed herself into a damsel with a face of spring. And she came
before Rustem and asked him his name, and toyed with him, and he was pleased
with her company. And he poured out wine and handed it unto her, and bade
her drink unto Ormuzd. But the magician, when she heard the name of God,
fell into a tremble and her visage changed, and Rustem beheld her in all
her vileness. Then his quick spirit knew her for what she was, and he made
a noose and caught her in his snare, and severed her in twain. And all
the magicians, when they saw it, were afraid, and none durst come forth
to meet the hero. But Rustem straightway departed from this
And Rustem rode till that he was come unto a land where the sun
never shineth, neither stars lighten the blackness, and he could not see
his path. So he suffered Rakush to lead him at his will. And they stumbled
along amid the blackness, but at the end they came out again into the light.
And Rustem beheld a land that was swathed in verdure, and fields wherein
the crops were sprouting. Then he loosened Rakush and bade him graze, and
laid himself down to slumber awhile.
Now Rakush went forth to graze in a field that had been sown, and
the guardian thereof, when he saw it, was angry, and ran unto the spot
where Rustem was couched, and beat the soles of his feet with a stick and
woke him. And he flung reproaches and evil words upon him for that his
horse was broken into the pastures. Then Rustem was angry, and fell upon
the man, and took him by the ears and tore them from his body. And the
man fled, howling in his agony, and came before Aulad, the ruler of the
land, and laid his plaints before him. And Aulad also was angry, and went
forth to seek Rustem, and demand his name and mission, and wherefore he
had thus disturbed their peace. And Aulad sware that he would destroy him
for this deed.
Then Rustem answered, "I am the thunder-cloud that sendeth forth
lightnings, and none can stand before my strength. But if thou shouldest
hear my name, the blood would stand still within thy veins. Thou art come
against me with an host, see therefore how I shall scatter them like the
And when he had thus spoken, Rustem fell upon the warriors of Aulad,
and he beat them down before him, and their heads fell under the blows
of his sword of death. And the army was routed at the hands of one man.
Now Aulad, when he saw it, wept and fled; but Rustem pursued him, and threw
his noose about him, and caught him in the snare. And the world became
dark unto Aulad. Then Rustem bound him, and threw him on the ground, and
"If thou speak unto me that which is true, verily I will release
thee; and when I shall have overcome the Deevs, I will give the land of
Mazinderan into thy hands. Tell me, therefore, where dwelleth the White
Deev, and where may I find the Shah and his men, and how can I deliver
them from bondage?"
Then Aulad answered and told Rustem how it was an hundred farsangs
unto the spot where Kai Kaous groaned in his bondage, and how it was yet
another hundred unto the mountain pass where dwelt the Deev. And he told
him how the passes were guarded by lions and magicians and mighty men,
and how none had ever pierced thereunto. And he counselled him to desist
from this quest.
But Rustem smiled, and said, "Be thou my guide, and thou wilt behold
an elephant overcome the might of evil."
And when he had thus spoken he sprang upon Rakush, and Aulad in
his bonds ran after him, and they sped like the wind, neither did they
halt by night or day till they were come unto the spot where Kai Kaous
had been smitten by the Deevs. And when they were come there they could
behold the watch-fires of Mazinderan. Then Rustem laid him down to sleep,
and he tied Aulad unto a tree that he should not escape him. But when the
sun was risen he laid the mace of Saum before his saddle, and rode with
gladness towards the city of the Deevs.
Now when Rustem was come nigh unto the tents of Arzang, that led
the army of Mazinderan, he uttered a cry that rent the mountains. And the
cry brought forth Arzang from out his tent, and when he perceived Rustem
he ran at him, and would have thrown him down. But Rustem sprang upon Arzang,
and he seemed an insect in his grasp. And he overcame him, and parted his
head from his body, and hung it upon his saddlebow in triumph. And fear
came upon the army of Mazinderan when they saw it, and they fled in faintness
of spirit, and so great was the confusion that none beheld whither he bent
his steps. And fathers fell upon sons, and brothers upon brothers, and
dismay was spread throughout the land.
Then Rustem loosened the bonds of Aulad, and bade him lead him
into the city where Kai Kaous pined in his bondage. And Aulad led him.
Now when they neared the city, Rakush neighed so loud that the sound pierced
even unto the spot where Kai Kaous was hidden. And the Shah, when he heard
it, rejoiced, for he knew that succour was come. And he told it unto his
comrades. But they refused to listen unto these words, and deemed that
grief had distraught his wits. In vain therefore did Kai Kaous insist unto
them that his ears had heard the voice of Rakush. But not long did he combat
their unbelief, for presently there came before him Tehemten, the stout
of limb, and when the nobles heard his voice and his step they repented
them of their doubts. And Kai Kaous embraced Rustem and blessed him, and
questioned him of his journey and of Zal. Then he said-
"O my Pehliva, we may no longer waste the moments with sweet words.
I must send thee forth yet again to battle. For when the White Deev shall
learn that Arzang is defeated, he will come forth from out his mountain
fastness, and bring with him the whole multitude of evil ones, and even
thy might will not stand before them. Go therefore unto the Seven Mountains,
and conquer the White Deev ere the tidings reach him of thy coming. Unto
thee alone can Iran look for her succour, for I cannot aid thee, neither
can my warriors assist thee with their arms, for our eyes are filled with
darkness, and their light is gone out. Yet I grieve to send thee into this
emprise alone, for I have heard it spoken that the dwelling of the Deevs
is a spot of fear and terror, but alas! my grief is of no avail. And I
conjure thee, slay the Deev, and bring unto me the blood of his heart,
for a Mubid hath revealed unto me that only by this blood can our sight
be restored. And go forth now, my son, and may Ormuzd be gracious unto
thee, and may the tree of gladness sprout again for
Then Rustem did as Kai Kaous commanded, and he rode forth, and
Aulad went beside him to lead him in the way. And when they had passed
the Seven Mountains and were come unto the gates of hell, Rustem spake
unto Aulad, and said-
"Thou hast ever led me aright, and all that thou hast spoken I
have surely found it true. Tell me, therefore, now how I shall vanquish
the Deevs."
And Aulad said, "Tarry, I counsel thee, till that the sun be high
in the heavens. For when it beateth fierce upon the earth the Deevs are
wont to lay them down to slumber, and when they are drunk with sleep they
shall fall an easy prey into thine hands."
Then Rustem did as Aulad bade him, and he halted by the roadside,
and he bound Aulad from head to foot in his snare, and he seated himself
upon the ends. But when the sun was high he drew forth his sword from out
its sheath, and shouted loud his name, and flung it among the Deevs like
to a thunderbolt. Then before they were well awakened from their sleep,
he threw himself upon them, and none could resist him, and he scattered
their heads with his sword. And when he had dispersed the guards he came
unto the lair of the White Deev.
Then Rustem stepped within the rocky tomb wherein the Deev was
hidden, and the air was murky and heavy with evil odours, and the Pehliva
could not see his path. But he went on void of fear, though the spot was
fearful and dangers lurked in its sides. And when he was come unto the
end of the cave he found a great mass like to a mountain, and it was the
Deev in his midday slumber. Then Rustem woke him, and the Deev was astonished
at his daring, and sprang at the hero, and threw a great stone like a small
mountain upon him. And Rustem's heart trembled, and he said unto himself,
"If I escape to-day, I shall live for ever." And he fell on the Deev, and
they struggled hot and sore, and the Deev tore Rustem, but Rustem defended
himself, and they wrestled with force till that the blood and sweat ran
down in rivers from their bodies. Then Rustem prayed to God, and God heard
him and gave him strength, and in the end Rustem overcame the White Deev
and slew him. And he severed his head from his trunk, and cut his heart
from out his midst.
Then Rustem returned him unto Aulad and told him what he had done.
And Aulad said-
"O brave lion, who hast vanquished the world with thy sword, release
now, I pray thee, this thy servant, for thy snare is entered into my flesh.
And suffer that I recall to thee how that thou hast promised to me a recompense,
and surely thou wilt fulfil thy word."
And Rustem answered and said, "Ay, verily; but I have yet much
to do ere that my mission be ended. For I have still to conquer the King
of Mazinderan; but when these things shall be accomplished, in truth I
will fulfil my words unto thee."
Then he bade Aulad follow him, and they retraced their steps until
they were come unto the spot where Kai Kaous was held in bondage. And when
Kai Kaous learned that Rustem was returned with victory upon his brow he
shouted for joy, and all the host shouted with him, and they could not
contain themselves for happiness. And they called down the blessings of
Heaven upon the head of Rustem. But when the hero came before them, he
took of the blood of the White Deev and poured it into their eyes, and
the eyes of Kai Kaous and his men were opened, and they once again beheld
the glory of the day. Then they swept the ground around them with fire,
with swords they overcame their gaolers. But when they had finished, Kai
Kaous bade them desist from further bloodshed.
Then Kai Kaous wrote a letter unto the King of Mazinderan, and
he counselled him that he should conclude a peace. And he related to him
how that his mainstay was broken, for Rustem had overcome Arzang and slain
the White Deev. And he said that Rustem would slay him also if he should
not submit unto Iran and pay tribute to its Shah. Then Kai Kaous sent a
messenger with this writing unto the King of Mazinderan.
Now the King, when he had read the letter, and learned how that
Arzang and the White Deev and all his train were slain, was sore troubled,
and he paled in his spirit, and it seemed to him that the sun of his glory
was about to set. Howbeit he suffered not the messenger to behold his distress,
but wrote haughty words unto Kai Kaous, and dared him to come forth to
meet him. And he boasted of his might and reproached Kai Kaous with his
folly. And he threatened that he would raze Iran unto the
When Kai Kaous had read this answer he was wroth, and his nobles
with him. And Rustem spake and said-
"Permit me, O my Shah, that I go forth before the King of Mazinderan,
and intrust unto me yet another writing."
Then Kai Kaous sent for a scribe, and the scribe cut a reed like
to the point of an arrow, and he wrote with it the words that Kai Kaous
dictated. And Kai Kaous made not many words. He bade the King lay aside
his arrogance, and he warned him of the fate that would await his disobedience,
and he said unto him that if he listened not he might hang his severed
head on the walls of his own city. Then he signed the letter with his royal
seal, and Rustem bore it forth from the camp.
Now when the King of Mazinderan learned that Kai Kaous sent him
yet another messenger, he bade the flower of his army go forth to meet
him. And Rustem, when he saw them come near, laid hold upon a tree of great
stature and spreading branches that grew by the wayside. And he uprooted
the tree from the earth, and brandished it in his hands like to a javelin.
And those that saw it were amazed at his strength. Then Rustem, when he
beheld their awe, flung the tree among them, and many a brave man was dismounted
by this mace. Then there stepped forth from the midst of the host one of
the giants of Mazinderan, and he begged that he might grasp Rustem by the
hand. And when he had hold of the hand of the Pehliva he pressed it with
all his might, for he thought that he could wring off this hand of valour.
But Rustem smiled at the feebleness of his grasp, and he grasped him in
return, and the giant grew pale, and the veins started forth upon his
Then one set off to tell the King what he had seen. And the King
sent forth his doughtiest knight, and bade him retrieve the honour of their
strength. And Kalahour the knight said-
"Verily so will I do, and I will force the tears of pain from the
eyes of this messenger."
And he came towards Rustem and wrung his hand, and his gripe was
like to a vise, and Rustem felt the pang thereof, and he winced in his
suffering. But he would not let the men of Mazinderan glory in his triumph.
He took the hand of Kalahour in his own, and grasped it and crushed it
till that the blood issued from its veins and the nails fell from off its
fingers. Then Kalahour turned him and went before the Shah and showed unto
him his hand. And he counselled him to make peace with the land that could
send forth such messengers whose might none could withstand. But the King
was loath to sue for peace, and he commanded that the messenger be brought
before him.
Then the elephant-bodied stood before the King of Mazinderan. And
the King questioned him of his journey, and of Kai Kaous, and of the road
that he was come. And while he questioned he took muster of him with his
eyes, and when he had done speaking he cried-
"Surely thou art Rustem, for thou hast the arms and breast of a
But Rustem replied, "Not so, I am but a slave who is not held worthy
to serve even in his train; for he is a Pehliva great and strong, whose
like the earth hath not seen." Then he handed unto the King the writing
of his master. But when the King had read it he was wild with anger, and
he said to Rustem-
"Surely he that hath sent thee is mad that he addresseth such words
unto me. For if he be master in Iran, I am lord of Mazinderan, and never
shall he call me his vassal. And verily it was his own overweening that
let him fall between my hands, yet hath he learned no lesson from his disasters,
but deemeth he can crush me with haughty words. Go, say unto him that the
King of Mazinderan will meet him in battle, and verily his pride shall
learn to know humility."
And when the King had thus spoken he dismissed Rustem from his
presence, but he would have had him bear forth rich gifts. But Rustem would
not take them, for he too was angered, and he spurred him unto Kai Kaous
with a heart hungry for vengeance.
And Kai Kaous made ready his army, and the King of Mazinderan did
likewise. And they marched forth unto the meeting-place, and the earth
groaned under the feet of the war-elephants. And for seven days did the
battle rage fast and furious, and all the earth was darkened with the black
dust; and the fire of swords and maces flashed through the blackness like
to lightning from a thundercloud. And the screams of the Deevs, and the
shouts of the warriors, and the clanging of the trumpets, and the beating
of drums, and the neighing of horses, and the groans of the dying made
the earth hideous with noise. And the blood of the brave turned the plain
into a lake, and it was a combat such as none hath seen the like. But victory
leaned to neither side. Then on the eighth day Kai Kaous took from his
head the crown of the Kaianides and bowed him in the dust before Ormuzd.
And he prayed and said-
"O Lord of earth, incline thine ear unto my voice, and grant that
I may overcome these Deevs who rest not their faith in Thee. And I pray
Thee do this not for my sake, who am unworthy of Thy benefits, but for
the sake of Iran, Thy kingdom."
Then he put the crown once more upon his head, and went out again
before the army.
And all that day the hosts fought like lions, and pity and mercy
were vanished from the world, and heaven itself seemed to rain maces. But
Ormuzd had heard the prayer of His servant, and when evening was come the
army of Mazinderan was faded like a flower. Then Rustem, perceiving the
King of Mazinderan, challenged him to single combat. And the King consented,
and Rustem overcame him, and raised his lance to strike him,
"Perish, O evil Deev! for thy name is struck out of the lists of
those who carry high their heads."
But when he was about to strike him, the King put forth his arts
of magic, and he was changed into a rock within sight of all the army.
And Rustem was confounded thereat, and he knew not what he should do. But
Kai Kaous commanded that the rock should be brought before his throne.
So those among the army who were strong of limb meshed it with cords and
tried to raise it from the earth. But the rock resisted all their efforts
and none could move it a jot. Then Rustem, the elephant-limbed, came forward
to test his power, and he grasped the rock in his mighty fist, and he bore
it in his hands across the hills, even unto the spot that Kai Kaous had
named, and all the army shouted with amazement when they saw
Now when Rustem had laid down the stone at the feet of the Shah,
he spake and said unto it-
"Issue forth, I command thee, O King of Mazinderan, or I will break
thee into atoms with my mace."
When the King heard this threat he was afraid, and came out of
the stone, and stood before Rustem in all his vileness. And Rustem took
his hand and smiled and led him before Kai Kaous, and
"I bring thee this piece of rock, whom fear of my blows hath brought
into subjection."
Then Kai Kaous reproached the King with all the evil he had done
him, and when he had spoken he bade that the head of this wicked man should
be severed from its trunk. And it was done as Kai Kaous commanded. Then
Kai Kaous gave thanks unto God, and distributed rich gifts unto his army,
to each man according to his deserts. And he prepared a feast, and bade
them rejoice and make merry with wine. And at last he called before him
Rustem, his Pehliva, and gave to him thanks, and said that but for his
aid he would not have sat again upon his throne. But Rustem
"Not so, O King, thy thanks are due unto Aulad, for he it was who
led me aright, and instructed me how I could vanquish the Deevs. Grant,
therefore, now that I may fulfil my promise unto him, and bestow on him
the crown of Mazinderan."
When Kai Kaous heard these words he did as Rustem desired, and
Aulad received the crown and the land, and there was peace yet again in
Iran. And the land rejoiced thereat, and Kai Kaous opened the doors of
his treasures, and all was well within his borders. Then Rustem came before
the Shah and prayed that he might be permitted to return unto his father.
And Kai Kaous listened to the just desires of his Pehliva, and he sent
him forth laden with rich gifts, and he could not cease from pouring treasure
before him. And he blessed him, and said-
"Mayst thou live as long as the sun and moon, and may thy heart
continue steadfast, mayst thou ever be the joy of Iran!"
Then when Rustem was departed, Kai Kaous gave himself up unto delights
and to wine, but he governed his land right gloriously. He struck the neck
of care with the sword of justice, he caused the earth to be clad with
verdure, and God granted unto him His countenance, and the hand of Ahriman
could do no hurt.
Thus endeth the history of the march into Mazinderan.