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3,100 ppaaoollaa rrruulleess 3,101 TO CATCH ME U MUST BE FAST TO FIND ME U 3,102 LEAP OF FAITH = BEsT SoNg EvEr 3,103 sAq 3,104 HoT FeVeR 3,105 my email=sonia is gorgeous_babe_1@hotmai 3,106 wHiTes^lUk^cOoL~bLaKs^Luk^AtTrAcTivE~AsI 3,107 banana girl 3,108 guardian angel 3,109 I DiDnT LoSe My MiiND!! iT WaS MiNe To G 3,110 american people are like my arse!!! kiss 3,111 I'm 98% beautiful and 2% crazy......or w 3,112 big gay bear 3,113 ginger cum stain 3,114 ~Lebs Chick~ 3,115 *Livin' 4 Jesus* 3,116 sweetrose
sweetrose 3,117 booboo 3,118 WHAT ?? 3,119 To all ya 'CAVE BOYS' who ThinK Ur BLACK 3,120 ]v[onkey ]v[agic 3,121 ~~/-//~~ 3,122 TRU~~ (>'.')> ~~KIRBY 3,123 hey 3,124 Watch 3,125 accapella 3,126 all italian suck dick, all pakis eat shi 3,127 wut 3,128 tuffest nigga said that (italian suck di 3,129 fuck you 3,130 (*)HaPPy(*) 3,131 mysterious gal 3,132 ï wãnÑâ ßé ¥ðû® ©hîÇk(8) ï wãnÑâ ßé Ððwñ 3,133 laaaaaaaalalalala, Brazil.. lalalalalaaa 3,134 ~¤Dangerous Beauty¤~ 3,135 Yoo, je zuigt. 3,136 hey can sme 1 giv good niks ere plzz cos 3,137 muslim rulez ever 3,138 u english pplez sux 3,139 all u goraz are fucking a$$Es 3,140 muslima are da bests & betta den u guyz 3,141 ~¤£úÇk¥*©hã®mž¤~ 3,142 PaPa DoNt PrEaCh(8) 3,143 struttin ym stuff shakin my booty's me a 3,144 you like mt style you like my lass but m 3,145 Rude_Stylo 3,146 Mysteriou$ Ga|....luv ya rabz 3,147 :@(6) The Muthafuckin Psycho (6):@ 3,148 lil_mami_4u 3,149 if I loVe YOu so, How WOulD I Be AblE to 3,150 my hand 3,151 myfriend 3,152 princess of da east 3,153 dimonds are nice and so are pearls but t 3,154 love rulez wivout rulez 3,155 Shake Them Hatters off! 3,156 Remember my name, remember my face cause 3,157 BabyGrrl ;) 3,158 love ya laods arsi 3,159 coool abbe 3,160 kool_abbe 3,161 kwel_babe 3,162 booboo is my jaan 3,163 look haroon i wrote ur nick LOL 3,164 hot paki gal 3,165 hot brown gal 3,166 Computer games don't affect kids; I mean 3,167 ice queen loves mother earth 3,168 crucify myself 3,169 wééééé 3,170 Funky chicken wiiiiiiiiiii 3,171 PINK DONKEY 3,172 that's the way uhu uhu I like it UHU UHU 3,173 don't call me baby, baby
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