Collection Of Cool Nicknames - Page 35


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3,400 byatchy
3,401 Wut's luv? huh
3,402 I Don't Break Hearts, Hearts Break On Me
3,403 demented4ever
3,404 friends r like the chocolate chips in th
3,405 I'm A Gennie In A Bottle, U jUZ a Tramp
3,406 Men R Like Public Toilets, Thier Engaged
3,407 I Can Kiss Heaven Goodbye Coz It Muz B A
3,408 Men R Like Roses Watch Out 4 Da Prickz!
3,409 U Holla At Me Sayin U Like Ma Curves, I
3,410 An Angel Iz Wht I'm Meant 2 B Thts Y Bei
3,411 Take A Good Look Coz Tht'z All U'll Eva
3,412 Live Iz Juz Evil Spelt Backwadz!
3,413 I'm Sexy, I'm Hott, I'm Everythin U'r No
3,414 Damn U'r "Not" Fine
3,415 Sex Is Like Maths, Add The Bed,Subtract
3,416 Good Gurlz Go 2 Heaven, Thts Y I Wasn't
3,417 I've got an attitude and I'm not afraid
3,418 ~*~ MaDe In ThE 90'z ~*~ - *6-jihan-6*
3,419 Ur Scarey.... - *6-jihan0-6*
3,420 If uve BEEN naughty go 2 ur room, if u W
3,421 GERMZ
3,422 let me see u "Nod ur Head" like this com
3,423 ! God sent me down to Earth so tha i ca
3,424 I'm at the police stattion
3,425 I'm at the police station.The Police cau
3,426 )/(y L!f3 w!d th@ tHr!lL kiLL kūLt
3,427 A is for academics, B is for (B) if Im o
3,428 I (l)(b) and (b)(l)'s me, cuz once i dri
3,429 when you lay down on the grass make a wi
3,430 when u love someone u always insecure
3,431 I Love Your Smile, Your face, And Your E
3,432 I Saw U As U Walked By, But Then I Found
3,433 Ma Feelin's 4 U No Word's Can Tell.. Cep
3,434 After U, Ma Lov, Ma Only Prize, Would B
3,435 I Thought Tht I Could Love No Other, Tht
3,436 if you think there's other after than me
3,437 ·~#I'm felling HELLA GOOD#~
3,438 SpoW
3,439 Doo
3,440 Kamikaze
3,441 Cobys_Roach_Girl
3,442 SitOnASilverChairANdLive
3,443 mark
3,444 JeBaC
3,445 babo
3,446 we're livin' in a happy world:)happy wor
3,447 Trust_full
3,448 don't hate me because I'm beautiful....h
3,449 you r my friend, you r something, you li
3,450 messe jesse
3,451 CheChe
3,452 normal people worry me
3,453 I KnOw I'm NoT PeRfEcT,bUt I'm So ClOsE
3,454 1-800-sweetie pie
3,455 my rules applies to everyone but me!
3,456 i have an attitude and i know how to use
3,457 i smile because i have no idea what goin
3,458 Hales
3,459 lilbaby
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