Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to watmath!looking!funny .
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing.
I reply to all submissions, but about 30% of the replies bounce.
From werner Thu Oct 27 14:06:34 1988
Flags: 000000000001
From: carl@aoa.UUCP (Carl Witthoft)
Subject: The mysteries of time
Keywords: original, smirk
Date: 1 Dec 88 03:30:02 GMT
The following was post/followuped in sci.physics.
From: dleigh@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM (Darren Leigh)
In article <1174@sri-arpa.ARPA> huntress%v70npt.decnet@nusc-npt.arpa writes:
>Is time continuous?
No. It's sampled at 44.1 kHz and quantized to sixteen bits.
This is why CDs sound so good even though there are gaps in the music.