From "Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM Sun Dec 11 05:30

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From "Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM Sun Dec 11 05:30:12 1988
Flags: 000000000000
From: "Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM
Subject: And a few soviet jokes
Keywords: rec_humor_cull, chuckle
Date: 11 Dec 88 11:30:12 GMT
Organization: Xerox, Sunnyvale, CA

The five rules of Socialism:

1. Don't think

2. If you do think, don't speak

3. If you think and speak, don't write

4. If you think, speak and write, don't sign

5. If you think, speak, write and sign, don't be surprised
