You Can Imagine The Excitement When A Martian Spaceship Landed In A Sunny Suburban Field And Proved To Be Filled With Intelligent, Amicable Beings.

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You can imagine the excitement when a Martian spaceship landed in a
sunny suburban field and proved to be filled with intelligent, amicable
beings. Jane Pauley managed to be the first television personality on the
scene, and the chief Martian agreed to an exclusive interview on the "Today"
show the next morning. As the cameras started to roll, she told the Martian
how curious people on Earth were about his people, so she thought she'd just ask
him a few general questions. The Martian graciously said that was fine with him.
"Tell me," said Pauley, nervously clearing her throat, "do all of your
people have seven fingers and toes?"
"Yes," said the Martian, waving his slender green appendages in the air.
"And two heads? Everyone has those?"
"Oh yes," said the Martian, nodding both enthusiastically.
"And also those lovely diamonds and rubies embedded in their chests
as you do?" asked Pauley.
"Certainly not," snapped the Martian. "Only the Jews."
