What does the AMA know, I still think I can do it.
Whow; maybe I shouldn't have gotten so drunk last night.
Does Tab A go into Slot C or Slot F?
They never let us practice on REAL people in Med school.
That PROVES aliens have taken over our bodies.
He looks like my ex-wife's attorney... The one who got her the
house, the car, the money... he even got her!...
Don't worry, he'll never know; he's out.
OK, make a wish and pull.
So THAT'S what a girl looks like!
Back in a minute. Gotta put money in the meter.
What he doesn't know, won't hurt us.
Uh, ya want fries with that?
Tilt that TV a bit. I can't see the game.
Poor guy... Maybe we should give him a sex change.
The voices in my head keep telling me not to do this...
I think my Alzheimers is getting... uh...
Oh yeah, if you think you're so good, you do it!
Did anyone tell this patient they have BOTH sex organs?
C L E A R ! ! ! . . .
W H Y C O P S H A T E Y O U <<<<&l <
-if you have to ask get out of the way-
Have you ever been stopped by a traffic cop and, while he was
writing a ticket or giving you a warning, you got the feeling that
he would just love to yank you out of the car, right through the
window, and smash your face into the front fender?...