Did You Hear That Poland Has Sent Its Battalion To Iraq In The Persian Gulf?

HomeShort JokesIraq

Did you hear that Poland has sent its battalion to Iraq in the Persian
Gulf? I want you to know that shooting has already broken out with them.
There was a thousand of them on one side of the river, and there was one
Iraqi sharp shooter on the other side of the river. He kept picking them
off, right and left. They thought they'd better send about half of them
down to swim across the river at night and they'd get this guy.
That night, about half of them went down to the river and swam across.
The other half that had stayed behind heard all of this shooting,
screaming, and stuff. The next morning, they never came back. They
figured they'd better go to see what had happened.
They got over there, and they were walking through all these bushes
and stuff and saw all these beat up Polish soldiers just laying around.
One of them raised up and said, "Go back! Go back! It's a trap! There's
two of them!"
