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Waitress: Would You Like Some Buns With Your Melon?
Short Jokes
Jokes Cate
Waitress: Would you like some buns with your melon?
Customer: No thank you, your melons will do just fine.
Waitress: Are you sure? These buns are firm and fresh-baked...
Customer: Well, they do look good...
Waitress: They'd taste even better with some nice sweet butter spread all
over them.
Customer: Yes, I can imagine. But to tell you the truth, I think my own buns
are better.
Waitress: Oh, really? Well perhaps you could show me the recipe sometime.
Customer: How about right now? Would you let me come in your kitchen?
Waitress: I'd love to.
If People Bought Cars Like They Buy Computers General Motors doesn't have a "help line" for people who don't know how to drive
because people don't buy cars like they buy computers -- but imagine if they did ....
Two math professors were in a bar: PROF1: You know, every year, the students in my Calculus 100 class are getting dumber and dumber.
It's getting so that I can't even teach a lecture without reviewing high school algebra....
When I was taking a 300 level computer science class in college there was a girl in the class that was a good friend of mine
he was one of those people that was accademiclly briliant with zero common scence....
HOW THEY BABYLON!" Waitress: Hawaii, Mister? You must be Hungary.
Gent: Yes, Siam. And I can't Rumania long, either....
Need a little UNIX help? Customer: What is the command that will tell me the revision code of a program ?
UNIX consul: Yes, that's correct. Custome...
The Pope is on his 1988 tour of America, in the middle of his 3 day bash in New York.
On the second day, he is driving back to his motel after a heavy days bible bashing....
LIFE IN THE SLAW LANE by Kip Adotta It was Cucumber the Fi
Summer was over. I had just spinached a long day and I was busheled....
How many American Colonists does it take to change a light bulb?
None, they didn't have light bulbs back then!!!!! How many Founding Fathers does it take to change a light bulb?...
M.A.D.D is the acronym for Mathematicians Against Drunk Deriving .
... A Native American woman is sitting on a moose hide....