Yrneh Etac IV - Error 0
(novax!nowhere!etac4) OR (etac4@nowhere)
Genius, n.:
A chemist who discovers a laundry additive that rhymes with
From etac7@nowhere Sun Nov 18 01:33:54 1990
From: etac7@nowhere (Yrneh Etac VII - Not owner)
Subject: Funky stuff - part 144
A guy comes to work speaking in a really hoarse voice.
His buddy asks him what happened to his voice.
He relates that he was playing golf, and sliced out of bounds into
a pasture. However, he thought he could find his ball and went
to look for it. He saw a woman looking for her ball, too. As he
passed a cow, he noticed that there was a golf ball stock in the
back end of the cow. He lifted up the cow's tail and called out,
"Hey lady, does this look like yours?" That's when she hit him in
the throat with a 5 iron.