During His Visit To The US Pope John Paul II Had A Meeting With A Senator.

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During his visit to the US pope John Paul II had a meeting with a senator.

The senator asked the pope, "Your Holiness, how do you find our

The pope replied "I love it! It's a wonderful country! Friendly
people, blessed with an abundance of natural resources..." and so on and
so forth.

The senator continued, "Is there anything about our country that you
*don't* like? I am, after all a United States senator, and maybe I could
change some things."

The pope thought a while, and said "Now that you mention it, there are two
things about your country that I do not like".

The senator asked, "What are they? Maybe I can help."

The pope answered, "The first thing I don't like about your country is
the large number of Polish jokes told. They make my countrymen out to
be a bunch of idiots!"

The senator said, "I have a solution for that! When I get back to
Washington, I'll get together with some of my Senate colleagues and
we'll pass a bill, which I'm sure will become law, that will make it a
Federal crime to tell a Polish joke, and anyone caught telling a Polish
joke will be fined fifty dollars. How do you like that?"

The pope replied "Great idea! I love it!"

The senator asked "Now why don't you tell me the second thing
you don't like about the US? Maybe I can do something about it as well."

The pope answered "M & M's."

The senator, a bit confused, asked "M & M's??? What's not to like about
M & M's???"

The Pope replied "They're hard to peel!"
