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Q: Why Do Elephants Have Trunks? A: Because They Would Look Silly With Glove Compartments.
Short Jokes
Kids Jokes
Q: Why do elephants have trunks?
A: Because they would look silly with glove compartments.
Q: Why does an elephant have four feet? A: Because seven inches would look silly on an elephant.
Q: Why does an elephant have four feet? A: Because he would look stupid with eight inches.
Q: Why are elephants wrinkled? A: Have you ever tried to iron one?
Why do elephants have cracks between their toes? For carrying their library cards.
Why do elephants have wrinkles? Ever tried to iron an elephant?
why is a fire engine red ? ( in parts of the world that it is red ) the fire engine has six wheels and six crew members.
six plus six is twelve. twelve inches makes a foot....
Q: Why do elephants have red balls? A: So they can hide in cherry trees.
Q: What's the most horrible sound in the jungle? A: Girraffes eating cherries....
Q: What do the L.A. Dodgers have in common with Michael Jackson?
A: They wear a glove on one hand for no apparent reason....
Q: Why do seagulls live by the sea? A: Because if they lived by the bay they would be called bay-gulls.