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Q: Why Do Elephants Have Red Balls? A: So They Can Hide In Cherry Trees.
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
Q: Why do elephants have red balls?
A: So they can hide in cherry trees.
Q: What's the most horrible sound in the jungle?
A: Girraffes eating cherries.
Q: What do elephants do when they are bored? A: Put springs on their feet and bounce up into the trees to rape monkeys.
Q: What is the most terrible thing for a monkey to hear? A: SPROING ... SPROING ......
why is a fire engine red ? ( in parts of the world that it is red ) the fire engine has six wheels and six crew members.
six plus six is twelve. twelve inches makes a foot....
The Complete Set Of Blonde Jokes ----------------------------------- 12/15/92 Q
How do blonde braincells die ? A: Alone....
Q: What's red and has 7 dents? A: Snow White's cherry
Q: Why do dogs lick their balls? A: Because they can.
Q: What do elephants use for a tampons? A: Sheep
Q: What is grey and not there. A: No elephants.
Q: Why don't elephants pick their nose? A: Cuz there's nowhere to hide a 6 foot booger!
Q: Why do elephants have trunks? A: Because they would look silly with glove compartments.