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Q: To What Question Is The Answer "9W." A: "Dr. Wiener, Do You Spell Your Name With A V?
Short Jokes
Q: To what question is the answer "9W."
A: "Dr. Wiener, do you spell your name with a V?"
Q: To what question is the answer "9W." A: "Dr. Wiener, do you spell your name with a V?
Q: What's purple and commutes? A: An abelian grape.
Q: Why did the mathematician name his dog "Cauchy"?...
Proof By Intimidation ----- -- ------------ A Horse has an infinite number of legs.
A horse has two legs in back and forelegs in front....
Do not name the toppings you want. Rather, spell them out.
The Complete Set Of Blonde Jokes ----------------------------------- 12/15/92 Q
How do blonde braincells die ? A: Alone....
The answer is SEX, now, what was the question?
Most language is spoken language, and most words, once they are uttered, vanish forever into the air.
But such is not the case with language spoken during courtroom trials, for there exists an army of courtroom reporters whose job it is to take down and preserve every statement made during the proceedings....
You know you are getting old when: - you go upstairs to the bathroom and wonder why your in there when you arrive - the checkout girl at the supermarket says "plastic or paper" and you answer "check" - it takes you all night to do what you used to do all night - you are out with the boys for a drink and you want to get home by 11pm to watch the news - you are at party and you don't fancy sleeping over in a sleeping bag on the nice hard floor - after your third beer you really fancy a cup of tea - you dunk your biscuits in your tea Q
Name 3 famous people who where shot in the back of the head?...
THE ANSWER IS: Beef, Iron and Wine The question is "What do housewives do at home all day?