Bill hadn't been feeling very well lately, so he went to see his doctor.
After running several tests, the doctor had the bad fortune of telling
Bill the results.
Doc: Bill, I'm afraid that I have to inform you that you have a bad case
of the HAGS, and this is serious.
Bill: But Doc, what is this serious disease known as HAGS?
Doc: Well, its actually a deadly combination of herpes, AIDS, gonorrhea,
and syphilis. Very few people have ever survived HAGS.
Bill: Oh my God, Doc! What am I going to do?
Doc: Well, for starters I'm having you put into one of the hospital's
observation rooms. You will be put on the 3P diet. And we'll wait.
Bill: What's this 3P diet, Doc?
Doc: Pancakes, pizza, and pop-tarts.
Bill: So tell me Doc, what's so special about pancakes, pizza, and pop-tarts
in the treatment of HAGS?
Doc: Well, those are the only foods that we've found that can be easily
slipped in under the door!