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There Was This Enterprising Hooker Who Had Bought A Bicycle.
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
There was this enterprising hooker who had bought a bicycle. She
peddled it all over town.
Girl who rides bicycle, peddles ass all over town.
Confucius say: Teenage girl with bicycle pedal ass all over town.
Squirrel lay on rock, crack nuts. Man lay on crack, rock nuts....
This preacher lost his bicycle and looked all over and could not find it.
About mid week he was talking to one of his brother preacher and told him that someone had stolen his bicycle....
D'ja hear about the nun who rode her bicycle over a cobblestone road?
She said, "I'll never come that way again....
A Bible An old, bearded shepherd, with a crooked staff, walks up to a stone pulpit and says .
. . And lo it came to pass that the trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot....
The aging head of a secluded Monastary decides he will take a walk into the nearby town for the first time in 30 years.
As he's walking down the street he passes a hooker on a corner who says "Hey twenty dollars for a quicky"....
A graduate student of mathematics who used to come to the university on foot every day arrives one day on a fancy new bicycle.
"Where did you get the bike from?" his friends want to know....
Gladys: so ugly she had 11-foot pole marks all ove
I tell you I get no respect - A hooker once told me she had a headache ...