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Q: How Do You Tell A Polish Ladder From A Normal One?
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Q: How do you tell a polish ladder from a normal one?
A: Polish ladders have "STOP" stenciled at the top.
How do you tell a Polish ladder from a normal one? The Polish one has the word STOP stenciled on the top rung.
Q: What does it say at the top of a Polish ladder? A: "STOP".
Q: How can you tell a Polish cock sucker? A: He's the one spitting feathers.
Q: How do you sink a polish submarine. A: Knock on the door!!
Q: How do you sink a Polish submarine? A: Knock on the hatch!
Q: How do you sink a Polish battleship? A: Put it in water.
Q: How do you ruin a Polish party? A: Flush the punch bowl.
Calgary, Alberta Feb 17 1988 AP; A disturbance interrupted the second hockey game between Poland and Czeckoslavakia today.
When the Czech team skated onto the ice in their new Michael Jackson look team uniforms, the New Polish team (the tallest hockey team ever put into a uniform, averaging slightly more than 3 meters tall) refused to take to the ice....
Q: How can you tell a Polish woman is on her period? A: She's only wearing 1 sock