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Q: Hear About The Ethiopian Who Fell Into A Crocodile Pit?
Short Jokes
Questions and Answers
Q: Hear about the Ethiopian who fell into a crocodile pit?
A: Before they could pull him out he ate three of them.
Q: Did you hear about the Ethiopian who fell into a crocodile pit?
A: Before they could pull him out he ate three of them....
Did you here about the Ethiopian who fell into the alligator pond?
He ate three before they got him out ......
Did you hear about the Polish guy who ate pussy? He spit out the kittens after he was done.
Q: Did you hear about the Polish man who broke his neck raking leaves? A: He fell out of the tree.
Q: Did you hear about the Polock who locked his family in his car?
A: It took him an hour to get them out with a coat hanger....
The Complete Set Of Blonde Jokes ----------------------------------- 12/15/92 Q
How do blonde braincells die ? A: Alone....
ObJoke: This guy goes to Texas on vacation. (No, that's not the punchline.
) When he's ready to leave the airport, he hails a cab, but a stretch limo pulls up....
Q: Did you hear about the leper who made his living as a gigolo?
A: He was doing great until business fell off....
The Wizard of Zone Once upon a time in Depression-era Kansas there was a little black boy named Zachary X (pronounced "ex" not "ten") who lived on a farm.
He was an orphan, a cheap device to garner your sympathy....