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Q: How Do You Break A Pole's Finger? A: Hit Him In The Nose.
Short Jokes
Questions and Answers
Q: How do you break a Pole's finger?
A: Hit him in the nose.
Q: How do you break a Polock's finger? A: Punch him in the nose.
Q: How do you shoot a red elephant? A: Hold his nose until he turns blue, then shoot him with a blue elephants gun!
Q: How do you shoot a green elephant? A: Tell him dirty jokes until he turns red, then hold his nose 'til he turns blue and then shoot him with a blue elephants gun!
Q: How do you know if there is an elephant under the bed? A: Your nose is touching the ceiling.
Q: How do you communicate with a fish? A: You drop him a line.
Q: What do you call a hooker with a runny nose? A: Full.
Q: Do you know how break dancing got started? A: Black kids trying to steal hub caps off of moving cars.
Q: How do you brainwash an Italian? A: Give him an enema.
Make it a double, Joe," the dejected man told the bartender.
I just got the shock of my life. I caught my wife screwing my best friend....