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Congress Is Back In Session. Apparently There Are A Few Knots Left To Turn Into Loose Ends Before The Election.
Short Jokes
Quip Snips
Congress is back in session. Apparently there are a few knots left to turn
into loose ends before the election.
Congress is back in session. It must want to give delegates to the upcoming Republican convention more things to denounce.
FOUR YEARS LATER... December 30, 2004 / Washington, D.
C. (Associated Press) After four years of legal wrangling, George W....
This story was told to me by a friend who "swore" he heard it on an IFR flight in Germany.
It seems a "good ol' boy" American (Texas-sounding) AF C-130 reserve pilot was in the (that day very crowded) instrument pattern for landing at Rhein-Main....
Sorry Republicans, this one's no joke Dear Friends and relitives, This was sent to by the actor Peter Coyote.
Its a letter from the film maker Michael Moore and I think it's a great effort....
How about that footage on the news yesterday of our new Commander-in- Chief on the deck of the aircraft carrier (Teddy Roosevelt?
).. After throwing one of his snappy salutes (he's *almost* got that down), I half expected him to give the order, "Let's turn this thang around....
So far observers give this session of Congress good marks.
It means there's lots of room for lack of improvement....
Has a few screws loose. Otherwise ok!
Unknown An obviously upset golfer drove his cart over to the edge of a small river winding through the course.
He stomped out of the cart, grabbed his entire golf bag, and heaved it into the middle of the river....