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Jesse Jackson Says The Main Reason For Holding The Convention Is To Adopt A Platform.
Short Jokes
Quip Snips
Jesse Jackson says the main reason for holding the convention is to adopt a
platform. Then why didn't he leave when that was done?
The time to be suspicious of Jesse Jackson's Cuban trip is when the freed American prisoners show up at the Democratic convention as delegates.
How To Be A Successful Politician, by Jesse Jackso
Jesse Jackson finally repudiates what Louis Farrakhan has been saying.
If Mr. Jackson's enemies had done him as much good as his friends have done him harm he'd be the nominee....
Why did Jesse Jackson decide not to run for President again?
His ancestors were caught posing for National Geographic....
Talk, unlike the Democratic platform, is cheap," Bob Dole told the convention.
Obviously he hasn't seen OUR phone bill....
How about that footage on the news yesterday of our new Commander-in- Chief on the deck of the aircraft carrier (Teddy Roosevelt?
).. After throwing one of his snappy salutes (he's *almost* got that down), I half expected him to give the order, "Let's turn this thang around....
When I was taking a 300 level computer science class in college there was a girl in the class that was a good friend of mine
he was one of those people that was accademiclly briliant with zero common scence....
Thoughts to ponder... Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra? Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?...
The GOP platform says the U.S. should think about returning to the gold standard.
Why not go all the way and return to the bead and trinket standard?...