Once Upon A Time There Was A Little Sperm. He Lived With Many Thousands Of Other Litter Sperm, But This Little Sperm Was Different.

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Once upon a time there was a little sperm. He lived with many thousands of
other litter sperm, but this little sperm was different. He dreamed endlessly
of the glorious day (or night, most likely) when he and his friends would be
released to accomplish their great mission in life. The man they inhabited,
however, practiced coitus interruptus, and at the moment of orgasm, the small
army found itself denied release.
One night, the little sperm told his pals: "Enough of this! The next time he
arrives at the point of orgasm, let's make a concentrated rush."
The big moment arrived, but one of the vanguard yelled: "Back up! Back up!
He's in the asshole!"
