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Ice Not Found, Pour Straight To Continue.
Short Jokes
Ice not found, pour straight to continue.
Keyboard not found...THINK F1 to Continue.
Keyboard not found. Think F1 to Continue.
ERROR 301 Keyboard can't be found - Press F1 to continue.
Just pour gravy on it.
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.
ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible....
NEW INFANTS MIRACLE DIET FOR OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE Flabby Americans are always on the look out for a new diet.
The trouble with most diets is that you don't get enough to eat (the starvation diet) or you don't get enough variation (the liquid diet) or you go broke (the all-meat diet)....
NEW INFANTS MIRACLE DIET FOR OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE Flabby Americans are always on the look out for a new diet.
The trouble with most diets is that you don't get enough to eat (the starvation diet) or you don't get enough variation (the liquid diet) or you go broke (the all-meat diet)....
Ice Recipes.
Things to do When Bored -Wax the ceiling -Rearrange political campaign signs -Sharpen your teeth -Play Houdini with one of your siblings -Braid your dog's hair -Clean and polish your belly button -Water your dog.
..see if he grows -Wash a tree -Knight yourself -Name your child Edsel -Scare Stephen King -Give your cat a mohawk -Purr -Mow your carpet -Play Pat Boone records backwards -Vacuum your lawn -Whine -Rake your carpet -Re-elect Richard Nixon -Critique "Three's Company" -Listen to a painting -Play with matches -Buff your cat -Race ferrets -Paint your house....