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Miracle Software, Inc. 'If It Works, It's A Miracle!'
Short Jokes
Miracle Software, Inc. 'If it works, it's a Miracle!'
Another deadline, another miracle....
Q: What do you call a Lada at the top of a hill? A: A miracle.
Q. Do you know what the miracle of AIDS is? A. It turns fruits into vegetables.
What do you call a Lada/Skoda at the top of a hill? A miracle.
Press Release - Christmas and Chanukah Merger: Continuing the current trend of large-scale mergers and acquisitio
it was announced today at a press conference that Christmas and Chanukah will merge....
Seems that Tom was working local with a nervous FPL watching over his shoulder.
He had one air carrier jet just touching down and another on a mile final, with a commuter holding short for departure release....
Tim's dead! And God only knows where Lisa is! Fortunately resurrections and divine revelations do tend to occur from time to time
o leave a message and we'll let you know when the next miracle occurs....
A missionary in a remote jungle outpost found himself face to face with a ferocious lion.
Knowing he was doomed for certain, he kneeled down and said his prayers....
P.S. The Texas Commissioner of Agriculture was quoted on ``George Bush's idea of a good farm program is "Hee Haw".
'' [ And I'll counter this by noting that Jay Leno asked...