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All I Need Is Some Peace & Quiet. If I Got A Piece I'd Be Quiet:-)
Short Jokes
All I need is some peace & Quiet. If I got a piece I'd be quiet:-)
Quiet, don't type so hard, I got a headache!
Honey quiet playing Mahjongg,I have to work..
Honk if you love peace and quiet.
We were all in a car and it wouldn't start, so I told everyone to be quiet, and then it started right up!
Why?? Cause it goes without saying......
Some Bumper Stickers: ** Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot ** Your kid may be an honor student but you're still an IDIOt ** He who laughs last thinks slowest ** If you don't like the new
go out and make some ** Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home ** I think animal testing is a terrible idea...
Jewish foreplay: Three hours of begging. Anglo-Saxon foreplay
Whats that??" Black foreplay: "Wake up, bitch!...
In 1972 I was working at a very boring job in an aerospace factory.
There were three guys my age (early 20's) in the department and we werw always playing what we saw as a joke on some poor unsuspecting soul....
A Few Quotes Found While Surfing the Net... "A day without sunshine is like night" "I just got lost in thought.
It was unfamiliar territory." "99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name....