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Need A Hat And Thigh-high BOOTS For That One!
Short Jokes
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Need a hat and thigh-high BOOTS for that one!
Q: How many Kentuckians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A1: All of them A2: Only one.... they'll screw anything....
TEXAS PHRASES: ** The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving Translatio
Not overly-intelligent. ** Tighter than bark on a tree Translatio...
Kids will be Kids... Did you hear about the teacher who was helping one of her kindergarten students put his boots on?
He asked for help and she could see why. With her pulling and him pushing, the boots still didn't want to go on....
Writing Techniques: ** Avoid alliteration. Always. ** Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
** Avoid clich's like the plague. (They're old hat....
PSYCHIATRISTS It had been a long day, and a psychiatrist was just about to close up his office, when a man entered the waiting room.
About this time, the last thing he needed was one more kook, but he invited the man in....
YOU KNOW YOUR A REDNECK IF.... You still have an 8-track tape player in your car or house.
Your idea of safe sex doesn't include anyone else....
Hard hat area!!!!!
I used to live in Wyoming, in a small town called Frontier (well, actually a suburb of Frontier called Kemmerer.
That is pronounced Kemer. No, ya gotta say it FASTER)....
You Know You're A Horse Person When... - You are totally grossed out by human hair in the sink or tub, but don't mind horse hair in your washer, on your clothes, in your food.
.. - You know you're a horse AND dog person when you don't mind throwing frozen manure balls for the barn's goldie to fetch!...