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Often The Masses Are Plundered And Do Not Know It.
Short Jokes
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Often the masses are plundered and do not know it.
Priests Do It Faithfully With Masse
The opiate of the masses.
A sheep grazier has hired some aboriginal farm hands to help him on the property, one of whom's wife is pregnant.
.. This aboriginal lady gives birth to a white child so the father approaches the property owner (who happens to be the only white man) wanting to know what has been going on....
Q: Why do mathematicians often confuse Christmas and Halloween? A: Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.
Why do we do it? WE DON'T KNOW!
Two young lawyers decide to get married. They go off on their honey moon and when asked by their friends how it was, they smile and say it was nice.
When pressed about how it was for them "their first time" they both get a puzzled look on their face....
Things are often what they seem...
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?
This guy goes to his doctor to ask him a question. The doctor says, "What can I do for you?
"Well doctor, I have a question for you. I masturbate, and I was wondering how often is too often....