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Real Computer Users Do It On The Command Line.
Short Jokes
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Real computer users do it on the command line.
Real computer users do it on the command line.
Real computer users used core!
THE POWER USER'S GUIDE TO POWER USERS Power Users never read their software manual
instead they get petty cash from their secretaries and use it to buy books which contain the phrase "Power User" on the cover....
Announcing badnews*, a realistic approach to Usenet.
Why badnews? The news software currently in use freely mixes policy with mechanism and actually creates obtacles for its user community....
Computer users take more strokes.
Hot on the heels of Apple Computer's release of HyperCard is a new concept in interactive text editors from Obscure Technologies Inc.
amed PunchEd. For those wondering what HyperCard is, it's a new `metaphor' in human-computer interaction, in which data, be they text, music or pictures, are represented by a hierarchy of `index cards' which the user can activate or browse through by using mouse-sensitive gadgets....
New Programmer's Editor for the Amiga ------------------------------------- Hot on the heels of Apple Computer's release of HyperCard is a new concept in interactive text editors from Obscure Technologies Inc.
amed PunchEd. For those wondering what HyperCard is, it's a new `metaphor' in human-computer interaction, in which data, be they text, music or pictures, are represented by a hierarchy of `index cards' which the user can activate or browse through by using mouse-sensitive gadgets....
From jsb@actnyc.UUCP Thu Jan 12 18:30:05 1989 Flag
000000000000 From: jsb@actnyc.UUCP (The Invisible Man) Subjec...
Real Tagline Power Users Abuse JH!