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The Sweetest Words I Ever Heard - I Like You!
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The sweetest words I ever heard - I like you!
A Guide to Essay Writing ** Avoid alliteration. Always.
** Prepositions are not words to end sentences with....
Great A Hot & Juicy Story Well, I was loafin' around the salad bar at the burger stand one chili day on Coney Island, when I Frito-Lay'd my eyes on the sweetest little tomato I'd ever seen.
Let's just say I could tell she wasn't gonna be ice-cold or taste like some of those cheaper spreads I'd eaten....
I just tested out my pit bull. Ever heard a mime scream?
A Chap walks up to another chap in a pointed hat and say
Chap - You're Merlin aren't you? Merlin - Why yes ....
The seven words you can never, ever say are f
Daily Affirmations I no longer need to punish, deceive or compromise myself.
Unless, of course, I want to stay employed. A good scapegoat is nearly as welcome as a solution to the problem....
Old Love Two couples are meeting up after years of no see.
John notices that throughout the evening his friend Paul always calls his wife by the sweetest name...
My favorite that I have heard as an answering machine message is also >from this movie.
My friend recorded the section that goes something like...