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Why Window When There's DV
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Why Window when there's DV
DV has a KB mouse: BigFatHairy Deal!
Now if I can run Win3 under DV under Unix...
Why is a hand when it's clapping?
Things That Make You Go Hmmmm... * Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
* If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? * Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?...
What do you do when an elephant comes n your window? Swim for your life.
One day a little boy was peeking at his sister through the window while she peed.
He noticed she farted as she peed. That evening he asked his dad, "Why does sis fart when she pees?...
Q. Why did the moron throw the butter out the window?
A. Because he wanted to see a butterfly. Q. Why did the little moron throw margarine out of the window?...
The Empire State Building This guy goes to a bar located at the top of the Empire State Building in NYC.
It looks like a nice place and he takes a seat at the bar next to another guy....
A small Indian brave walks up to his grandfather and ask
"Grandfather, how do we Indians get our names?" "Well my son, after the medicine deliverers the baby, he looks out the tee-pee window....