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You Tell 'em, Hunter, I'm Game.
Short Jokes
Taglines MR
You tell 'em, Hunter, I'm game.
A hunter from out East was stalking ducks near Texarcanna, where three states join.
He spies a duck, shoots it and is about to pick it up when he hears a voice....
SMART HUNTER A game warden came upon a duck hunter who had bagged 3 ducks and decided to "enforce the laws pending.
He stopped the hunter, flashed his badge and said, "Looks like you've had a pretty good day....
A game warden came upon a duck hunter who had bagged 3 ducks and decided to "enforce the laws pending.
He stopped the hunter, flashed his badge and said, "Looks like you've had a pretty good day....
One fall, a group of gays went duck hunting in Canada.
After shooting several ducks, a game warden jumped out of the woods and asked the gays for their hunting licenses....
You tell 'em, Cemetery, You are so grave.
You tell 'em, Cucumber, I've been pickled.
You bust 'em & cuff 'em and we stuff 'em and keep 'em!!
A Frenchman, an Englishman, a Texan, and a Mexican are flying in a plane.
The pilot explains to her passengers that the plane is too heavy and in order to avoid an ugly crash, some weight needs to be removed from the plane....
When in doubt, tell the truth M. Twai