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Murphy's First Law For Husbands: If You Run Into An Old Girlfriend -- No Matter How Innocently -- Your Wife Will Know About It Before You Get Home.
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Murphy's First Law for Husbands: If you run into an old
girlfriend -- no matter how innocently -- your wife will know
about it before you get home.
Murphy's Third Law for Husbands: The gifts you buy your wife are never as appropriate as the gifts your neighbor buys his wife.
Murphy's Second Law for Husbands: The first time you go out after your wife's birthday, you will see the gift you gave her marked down fifty percent.
Corollary: If she's with you, she'll assume you chose it because it was cheap....
Murphy's Fourth Law for Husbands: Your wife's stored possessions will always be on top of your stored possessions.
Grampa: All right, son, I'll sell this dump and write you a check.
Homer: Dad, first you gave me life, now you've given me a home for my family, I'd be honored if you came to live with us....
A Southern boy graduates from high school heads north to college, taking the family dog, Old Blue with him, for company.
He's only been there a few weeks when he gets a call from his girlfriend...
My girlfriend's father died of throat trouble. They hung him.
He used to work in a bank. But no matter how much the boss likes you, if you work in a bank you can't bring home samples....
No name, no matter how simple, can be correctly understood over the phone.
-- Murphy's Twenty-First Law...
If you want to know how old a man is, ask his brother-in-law.
If you want to know how old a woman is, ask her sister-in-law.