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Airplane Law When The Plane You Are On Is Late, The Plane You Want To Transfer To Is On Time.
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Airplane Law
When the plane you are on is late,
the plane you want to transfer to is on time.
When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time. The Airplane Law
When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time.
-- Node's Postulate for Travelle...
The Airplane Law: When the plane you're on is late, the plane you're transferring to is on time.
You should never ride in an airplane with a sports team, because if the plane goes down, it's you they're gonna eat!
-- Gordon Downie, singer for Tragically Hip...
The amount of time saved by your plane arriving early at your destination is equal to the amount of extra time you have to wait for your luggage.
-- The Second Law Of Air Travel...
The President of Eastern Airlines is marketing an Airplane Package Kit, the kind you ordinarily put together.
Only in this instance, the plane comes assembled and you break it up and sell the parts....
Typical Government - $500,000,000 for a plane you can't see.
The bugs you have to avoid are the ones that give the user not only the inclination to get on a plane, but also the time.
-- Kay Bostic...
The distance between the ticket counter and you plane is directly proportional to the weight of what you are carrying and inversely proportional to the time remaining before takeoff.
-- Gary Witzenburg...