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The Amount Of Time Saved By Your Plane Arriving Early At Your Destination Is Equal To The Amount Of Extra Time You Have To Wait For Your Luggage.
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The amount of time saved by your plane arriving early
at your destination is equal to the amount of extra time
you have to wait for your luggage.
-- The Second Law Of Air Travel
Davis' Law of Traffic Density: The density of rush-hour traffic is directly proportional to 1.
5 times the amount of extra time you allow to arrive on time....
The amount of time you have to wait for a bus is directly proportional to the inclemency of the weather.
-- John Corcora...
The amount of time required to complete a government project is precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.
-- Chism's Law of Completio...
Chism's Law of Completion: The amount of time required to complete a government project is precisely equal to the length of time already spent on it.
1. If you're early, it'll be cancelled. 2. If you bust your buns to be on time, you'll have to wait.
3. If you are not on time, it'll be too late. -- Luftenberg's Punctuality Observatio...
The earlier you arrive at the airport for your flight, the later your flight will depart.
-- The First Law Of Air Travel...
Take time to travel; your troubles will unravel.