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I Gave My Life To Learning How To Live. Now That I Have Organized It All It's Just About Over.
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I gave my life to learning how to live. Now that I have organized
it all it's just about over.
-- Sandra Hochman
My whole life is a movie--it's just that there are no dissolves.
I have to live every agonizing moment of it--my life needs editing....
Grampa: All right, son, I'll sell this dump and write you a check.
Homer: Dad, first you gave me life, now you've given me a home for my family, I'd be honored if you came to live with us....
Brad: Folks, I'm often asked about my qualifications.
Well, I may not have a lot of "credentials" or "training", but I tell you one thing...
Hello. This is Ron's answering machine, Marvin, and I'm SO depressed.
I have 50,000 times the memory capacity of my owner, but all I get to do is answer the phone....
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.
Jane Wagne...
If I had my life to live over again, I'd be a plumber. -- Albert Einstei
The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe
All my life I said I wanted to be someone...I can see now that I should have been more specific....
A woman went into a hospital one day to give birth.
Afterwards, the doctor came to her and said, "I have some....
Duncan [Phoebe's Husband]: Oh God, I don't know how to tell you this.
I'm straight. Phoebe: Huuh. Duncan: Yeah, I know, I....