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In A Copenhagen Airline Ticket Office: We Take Your Bags And Send Them In All Directions.
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In a Copenhagen airline ticket office: We take your bags and send them in all
If we can send one man to the moon, why can't we send them all?
If DOS was an airline, would you purchase a ticket?
Bart: That's it, I can't take this any more, Milhouse.
I've got to get the real teachers back....
The following is a memo from the business manager of Valu-Mart stores.
"Over 70 percent of the respondents to a recent survey reported that they are required to take more work home with them from the workplace than they were in the past....
WINGS of OS/400 The airline has bought ancient DC-3s, arguably the best and safest planes that ever flew and painted 747 on their tails to make them look as if they are fast.
The flight attendants, of course, attend to your every need, though the drinks cost $...
You just leave those Russians to me, honey. I'll take 'em all on, a battalion at a time, and send them back to Omsk with their little tails between their legs.
We'll send them all we've got / John Wayne and Randolph Scott!
If they sent one man to the moon, why can't they send them all?
When someone makes a move We'll send them all we've got, Of which we don't approve, John Wayne and Randolph Scott, Who is it that always intervenes?
Remember those exciting fighting scenes? U.N. and O....