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I Smoked Pot At A Drive-in Movie Theater. But The Screen Was This Tiny.
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I smoked pot at a drive-in movie theater. But the screen was this tiny. It
was itsy-bitsy thumb and forefinger tiny. Till I realized I was so stoned
I'd backed in and I was watching it from my rearview mirror.
-- Sandy Baron
I backed up my hard drive and smashed into a bus.
I backed up my hard drive and it fell behind the desk!
I have a TINY BOWL in my HEAD -- Zippy the Pinhead
I got tired of listening to the recording on the phone at the movie theater.
So I bought the album. I got kicked out of a theater the other day for bringing my own food in....
I was a tiny baby when I was born. Really tiny. I was breast-fed intravenously.
I had to have a special nurse 'cause I was so little....
Man, do I look like a cigarette butt?" "huh?" "Cause I sure feel smoked!" -- D Jagoda
I tell ya, drugs never worked out for me. The first time I tried smoking pot I didn't know what I was doing.
I smoked half the joint, got the munchies, and ate the other half....
Love to eat them mousies; Mousies what I love to eat.
Bite they tiny heads off, Nibble on they tiny feet! -- Kilba...
That was so funny, I laughed 'till I stopped.