I went to college--majored in philosophy. My father said, "Why don't you
minor in communications so you can wonder out loud?" So I did. I got out of
school, landed a job as a morning DJ on an all-philosophy radio station:
WYMI. "Good morning, it's 8:05 on YMI. For those of you just waking
up--what's the point, really?"
-- Mike Dugan
One morning, four years ago, something happened that I will never forget. I
woke up, and I looked at myself in the mirror, because I happened to wake
up in the bathroom, and I said to myself, "Dave, you have a wonderful wife,
you have a newborn son, you have a good job, you have friends who care
about you, you have a lawn mower that starts on the second or third
pull--you have everything a man could possibly want, and a whole lifetime
ahead of you to enjoy it in....