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Let Your Soul Stand Cool And Composed Before A Million Universes. -- Whitma
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Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.
-- Whitman
Faith is the antiseptic of the soul. -- Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass", preface
I wore black before it was cool.
When my fist clenches crack it open, Before I use it and lose my cool.
When I smile tell me some bad news, Before I laugh and act like a fool....
Troy: [voiceover] When Homer sold his soul for a donut, he found Hell isn't all it's cracked up to be in these never-before broadcast scenes.
[a demon selects Homer's head from several and grips it] [he rolls it down an alley as Homer's head screams] [it hits the spiked pins and breaks open, revealing a note...
The Titanic was insured for only over three million dollars.
Betty Grable's legs were insured for a cool quarter of a million, while Jimmy Durante's nose for $...
Then there's the atmosphere -- half the time you can eat the air, it's got so much stuff floating around in it.
It takes the edge out of the colors. Down here even the traffic lights are pastel....
The odds are a million to one against your being one in a million.
All of us have mortal bodies, composed of perishable matter, but the soul lives foreve
it is a portion of the Deity housed in our bodies. -- Flavius Josephu...