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Look At It This Way: Your Wife's Spending $280 A Month On Meditation Lessons To Forget $
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Look at it this way:
Your wife's spending $280 a month on meditation lessons to
forget $26,000 of college education.
And you're still drinking ordinary scotch?
Look at it this way: Your wife's spending $280 a month on meditation lessons to forget $
26,000 of college education. And you're still drinking ordinary scotch?...
Look at it this way: Your daughter just named the fresh turkey you brought home "Cuddles", so you're going out to buy a canned ham.
And you're still drinking ordinary scotch?...
It is indeed a great idea to work your way through college with a job, and it is even better if the job is still there when you graduate.
Education is what you get when your father sends you to college.
The education process is not complete until you send your son there....
Bob: You wanted to be Krusty's sidekick since you were five!
What about the buffoon lessons, the four years at clown college....
Bart: Look at the bus. I was right, I tell you, I was right!
Skinner: [sternly] Right or wrong, your behavior was still disruptive, young man!...
There are still quite a few of us who remember when you could get a fairly good high school education without completing college.
The way to a man's heart is through his wife's belly, and don't you forget it.
-- Edward Albee, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?...
Marge: I'm disappointed in you. But it turns out I had a wonderful time with Ruth Powers.
In fact, we're going out again tomorrow night. Home...