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Mine... Is The Last Voice You Will Ever Hear.
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Mine... is the last voice you will ever hear.
Bart: Did you guys hear something moving around in the attic last night?
Homer: Attic? Oh, that's silly. [laughs] Seriously though, don't ever go up there....
Hapablap: You know what really frosts my Kelvinator?
That friutcup's probably still laughing at us from his damn hidey-hole....
0107 Have you ever seen voice mail? 0108 ... Can you read it? -- from THE HACKER TEST
I hear a voice you cannot hear, Which says I must not stay
I see a hand you cannot see, Which beckons me away....
A cloud of purple smoke suddenly appears out of thin air.
You hear a hollow voice say, "Please don't climb the walls....
It's great to hear your voice, Captain. We're a little busy right now.
I'll get right back to you. -- Geordi, "Arsenal of Freedom", stardate 41798.2...
Have I ever let you down before? -- Famous Last Word
Remember that as a teenager you are in the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.
-- Fran Lebowitz...
Did you ever hear someone say this: "It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys"?
Did you ever smell a barrel of monkeys? -- Steve Bluestei...