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My First Psychiatrist Said I Was Paranoid, But I Want A Second Opinion Because I Think He's Out To Get Me.
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My first psychiatrist said I was paranoid, but I want a second opinion
because I think he's out to get me.
-- Tom Wilson ("Ziggy")
I don't want to panic, but my alphabet soup says, "Forget about me .
.. just try to save yourself." -- Tom Wilson ("Ziggy")...
I'm going to start living within my means. Even if I have to get a loan to do it.
-- Tom Wilson ("Ziggy")...
I believe in living life one doldrum at a time. -- Tom Wilson ("Ziggy")
I'd quit the job of being me, but I have accumulated so much seniority. -- Tom Wilson ("Ziggy")
I think I'm schizophrenic. One half of me's paranoid and the other half's out to get him.
I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!
I'm paranoid about everything. Even at home, on my stationary exercise bike, I have a rearview mirror .
.. This is rumor, but one of my uncles said that apparently at birth I snuck out....
They call it football, but the object of the game is to bash the other guy so hard that he's eventually carried off the field on a stretcher.
I can't watch football anymore. My psychiatrist said it's better that way....
Last year I entered the LA marathon. I finished last.
It was embarrassing. And the guy who was in front of me, second to last, was making fun of me....