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One Of The Inadequate Preparations Being Young Allows Is That You Are Not Prepared For The Time When You Will Be Old.
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One of the inadequate preparations being young allows is that you are not
prepared for the time when you will be old.
Modesty is that art which allows that you draw attention to whatever it is that you are being humble about at the present time.
Cultivate vices when you are young, and when you are old they will not forsake you.
PUBERTY -- that time in life when one is too old for doll houses and too young for penthouses.
That's [growing old] been happening to men and women for a long time.
I've got the feeling it's one of the pleasanter things about being human, as long as you grow old together....
Work hard and save your money and when you are old you will be able to buy the things only the young can enjoy.
You know you're getting old when you notice how young the derelicts are getting.
-- Jeanne Phillip...
Are you prepared to defend yourself?
It's like the old pie-in-the-face routine: it stops being funny when it starts being you.
-- Stephen King, _The Stand_ (uncut)...
Enjoy the pleasures of old age -- as long as you are young.