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And You Should Hear Them Whining About Our State Flag ...
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And you should hear them whining about our state flag ...
Did you hear about the newfie woman who couldn't get pregnant twice because she blew the both of them.
Did you hear about the sultan who had ten wives, nine of them had it soft.
Marge: Homer, I really don't like you telling personal secrets in your class.
Homer: Marge, I didn't tell 'em personal stuff. Marge...
People should have access to the data which you have about them.
There should be a process for them to challenge any inaccuracies. -- Arthur Mille...
Did you hear about an establishment near Parliament in our nation's capital that caters to kinky tastes.
There's a House whip in attendance, of course....
Did you hear about the farmer who couldn't keep his hands off his wife so he fired them.
If you have a weak candidate and a weak platform, wrap yourself up in the American flag and talk about the Constitution.
-- Matthew S. Quay...
The following appeared in a newsletter about education policy.
'The average annual earnings of high school dropouts are significantly less than the average annual earnings of high school graduates....
Burns: The watchdog of public there any lower form of life?
Smithers: Don't worry sir, I rounded up our less gifted employees and led them into the basement....